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Sunday, October 23, 2011

sLeEpLeSs sTilL ...

why can't i sleep like this?
past few weeks have been very
difficult to sleep.
my eyes are heavy and i know 
i'm mind is wrestless
and full.
shut off mind!
i need beauty rest!!

posting part 16 tomorrow or monday,
needed to rest from thinking 
of time that is gone.

the sprouts have been full of questions 
and supposed solutions...
" we have a babysitter this weekend?"
"if you don't get a babysitter how will
you ever get a date?" :/

"mom...when i go to daddy's house i'm going to find his
'marry card' (temple recommend) and bring it home to give to you".
"that isn't how it works" :/

"mom...when i grow up i will look for valerie
(ko's gf, she moved far away with no forwarding information) 
and if i can't find her i won't
get another girlfriend and never 
get married."
"really? you won't want to try and like 
other girls?" :/
"no one will ever be as pretty as valerie".

"like...momma, i like u a lil bit...."
(eef's new way of being funny
as he's giving me the look of 
'is she buying this?')

"like...i have to sleep in ur room 
cuz the spikeyman (woolverine which 
he has not seen) (?) is in
my room"

" many more
minutes til howoween"
minutes? :/

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