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Friday, April 4, 2008

HeAd wOunD

 True story of a sprout sent to the emergency room by
Thomas the Tank Engine and his very useful friends.

We came home from the gym a sweaty mess late and cooked dinner. 
I had a client coming over for a haircut. 
 Our floor was covered in "deadly" toys.

The older children went outside to mess up the garage. I discovered this as I tried to get to the car with a bleeding child...

While E was watching baby Einstein he was also walking around. 
He tripped on something and fell into Thomas, his friends and the eight million additional pieces you need to have for a successful train experience....

He stood up (screaming). I saw it, a hole, right in his head. Not very wide, but it was deep. 
I decided a trip to primary's hospital was worth the long drive to minimize a potential scare.  
Sound like paranoia? Yes!
 One look at my own forehead and anyone would understand. Three bad stitches and a lifetime of people asking, "where did you get that knife wound on your head"?
We sat in the waiting room close to 3 hours. 
Another 2 hours waiting in the room we were assigned and some super glue applied to his head we were released to go home.
  It was a 'one minute fix'.

Moral of this story: Thomas and his friends are not very useful engines!

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