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Tuesday, April 22, 2008


 ~bAbieS dOn'T dRiNk CoOk~

i shared a coca-cola with ko-ee. 

hE said, '"mmmm, this is good cook!....i looooove cook!".

it made mE laugh.

 e-fan wanted some and reached for the drink. ko turned to e and said, "no e-fan no! babies don't drink cook!".

ko has always been funny about drinks. for as long as hE could drink out of hIs own cup and talk hE has been saying "cheers .....bink!" with the 'bink' being high pitch.

at holidays wE perform 'cheers' by clinking oUr glasses together before wE drink sparkling cider, hence the 'bink' noise.

so now wE must 'cheers' to everything; drinks, sometimes food on a fork, and always to follow he will say....BINK!

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