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Sunday, February 7, 2010

dEaR LiTtLe PiRaTe sPrOuT~

wE wanted to do something special for YoUr
birthday after party....
so wE took U to pirate island 
and tried to dress U up....
U did not comply, 
so wE made U walk the plank!
(but wE rescued U just in time for the fun)
YoUr older sprout really got into the pirate spirit.
gpa came....
gma, and uncle d were there 2....
wE all got carried away
for U.
momma made YoU cupcakes
I knew YoU'd adore...
topped with only 3,
now YoUr no baby.....
who needs ice cream when YoU can lick a cupcake?
it was a fun day and i'M so glad
that YoUr mine.

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