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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

DeAr SaNtA

dear santa
for christmas i want
d ra
airplane, tractor
m(x'd) w(x'd) l
ko has gotten into christmas this year.
he actually gets it. every time we go to the store it ends up being a "mom, c'mere, i want to show you this, you have to tell santa to bring this to me." or "i need to show what i want to get from santa claus." and of coarse i have really liked him getting into it because now i get to use the 'are you naughty or nice' routine. sometimes i even tell him if he can't obey me i will have to call santa and tell him that maybe he better not come to our house. this straightens out any problems we are having INSTANTLY!

he gets so excited about it so it's hard to tell him that santa can't bring him everything he i told him we should sit down and write him a letter.

when we got home from the store the other day he was SO ready to write his letter. i fed him lunch and cleaned up and we sat down for a couple minutes.
the whole time he was bouncing up and down right next to me, following me around, waiting for me to come help him. after i put e down for a nap, i told him i would help him.

we got out paper and colored pencils. 
i put my hand over his to help him to write and he pushed my hand away saying, "i can do it!"

okay fine! so he asked me how to spell 'dear santa'. i said "D" ..................and he totally put the pencil down on the paper and wrote a "D". WHAT?! how did he know how to do that? then I said "E", and he proceeded to write and "E". i was stunned. 
he is only 4, do 4 year olds do this? he had only ever shown me he could write and spell his name, but no other letters. the whole letter he wrote went like that. the only letter he couldn't remember was a "B" and instead of asking me for help he ran into the kitchen to see it on the magnetic letters on the fridge. then he came back and finished his letter.

what a smart boy.
i was impressed. he told me it was his homework.  at one point he made his "W" an "M" and i reached over there and crossed it out and wrote a "W" to show him and instead of leaving it there, he crossed my "W" out and wrote another one that he made himself. he was so funny about wanting to do the whole thing by himself. and i love the fact that the letters are all over the place and one word can take up two rows.

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