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Thursday, June 5, 2008

PotTy TiMe

apologies in advance

there is a routine before bedtime.
 bath, jammies, chocolate milk, read a story, and brush teeth. 
the very last thing is go potty to avoid accidents. 
 ko lately has 'pretended' to go potty.
he shuts the door and plays around with the sink and flushes the toilet 16 times.
so i usually check on him. i was in the kitchen making cupcakes before i decided it was time to check on him.......of coarse he was messing around.
  i decided to stay in the door way and watch him go potty like they do in prison. he's sits on the potty for a long time before i tell him he's done, to flush the toilet, and wash his hands.

him: no i'm not, done.
me: yes you are, hurry up.
him: no mom, there is a poop in my bum.
me: oh....okay.
him: it's a big oh really (tmi)
him: ya, it's a's going to "break" the house...haha ha ha ha
me: (laughing hysterically.............."where does he get this stuff")

as he flushes the toilet he sends his "giant poop" off with sound effect.

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